Sunday, April 21, 2013

End of March.2013 Scorching Reviews...

Radical Book Reviews...

Napoleon's Gift by Alie ( aka: Alexandria) Infante

Four Star Review
Review by Katriva Davies

What can I say about this book, but oooh my God!

Alie, Alie, you have outdone yourself this time!

Benjamin, Geneviève, Marie, and Millie were all dynamic characters, which you just have to love.

The book is set on the French Quarter of New Orleans, and takes place on Haven Plantation. Don't let the plantation aspect fool you, because Geneviève is not a slave, in actually, Mr. Jones, is her father. Benjamin is her childhood friend, and the love of her life, however because of a misunderstanding, they part ways, and don't see each other for another 13 years. I'll stop there, because I don't want to spoil it, but this book was amazing. It was fresh, very history oriented, and  just an over all jem. I would recommend this book to everyone over 18, because it does involve a Bordello, which was just classic, and I completely loved. The love between Benjamin and Ginny alone is epic, because it's been 14 years in the making.

Don't miss out guys, this book is a wonderful read :)
Waiting at Eros by Rosemary Laurey

Two & Half Stars
Review by Sarah Evans

First of all, I found the title & cover of the book very eye-catching, however, it was a bit misleading. It gives the impression that it is a Paranormal, and looks a bit like vampires. However this was my mistake, not the authors, so I didn't take points off for that. It was my bad. 

The women in the story are mostly married, and one actually had a very young child. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, yet the story is a bit confusing, because the author gives absolutely no background on any of the characters. They meet, because each of them has had some kind of interlude with an unknown male character from their past. This is quite a novel idea and concept, and could have made for a very awesome read. Unfortunately, I found the dialogue not very interesting at all.

I felt it contained none of the normals, like;

Conflict. I didn't understand why these women were drawn to meet a man from years ago, because there was no back story. The women don't share their experiences with this elusive male from the past, and I just felt like it would have been more interesting to know the protagonist's identity, then factor in a story line that causes the women to become suspicious or jealous of each other; something they would have been in real life. However, I am not the writer, so that may be a bit rude of me.

Equally, I was a bit put off by the end, because the story shifts abruptly to reveal the "surprise" ending, which I didn't as the reader get. Overall a bit disappointing.
Irresistible Forces by Brenda Jackson

Two Star Review 
Review by Katriva Davies

From the first chapter, I knew how this book was going to end. It was pretty predictable, and I hate to say it, but and bland. The middle of the book really had no story or plot - just sex for a week. Honestly, that became annoying for me after the first few escapades.
The story was very unsurprising and the characters completely unrealistic. I myself have never heard of  a 25 year old with her own wealth management firm? But hey, I guess it could happen. (Napster, Facebook).
However, this is a good vacation/beach read. And unfortunately, not nearly interesting or complex enough to hold my attention if the book was any longer; I am truly sorry to say. 

I usually try to give a book a chance before I rate it, but I barely got halfway through this one. I like Brenda Jackson, and have come to expect a lot from her work, but this one missed the mark for me. 
Fatal Destiny by Marie Force

Three Star Review
Review by Leelia

This book was a gift from the author on amazon, so we thought we would review it. I love paranormal, so I just eat up new books, especially free. Fatal series, is clearly a satisfying novella.

However, if you haven't read the series, it can be kind of confusing trying to place the story from just this one book. With so many characters and sub-plots, it was a bit confusing at times even to me, and I've read the series thus far. We at RR believe for the author, it would have been better to concentrate on one strong plot, and the main characters, instead of going in so many directions. This works for some authors, however it takes skills. Not saying that Ms. Force doesn't have them, she certainly does in the prior books, however for this one it just didn't work. Nevertheless, it is well written, the characters are interesting enough, and I appreciate the generosity of the author in giving her readers this free offering.

Ps. Its still free to the fan and readers out there wishing to read it :)
Before the Moon Rises by Catherine Bybee

Two & Half Star Review
Review by Sarah Evans

Unfortunately, I never connected with the characters. Equally, I felt like the characters were a bit unreal. The author didn't explain any background on the wolves, so the reader is left wondering. As well, I found the part about being able to chose, or being forced to become a were confusing. The climatic fight b/t the protagonist & antagonist, was a bit of a let down, and I was surprised it ended in only 2 pgs. 
The attraction b/t the main characters felt empty & rushed. I must say I was disheartened and dismayed by 'Before the Moon Rises'. The plot was predictable, the characters one dimensional, and then story was too short  for my tastes, especially for a paranormal. Also, Janet's decision to go home with her naked patient was scary and unwise. Common sense should prevail at times even in paranormal fiction literature. Albeit, even if we are speaking about "paranormal fiction', this story was unrealistic and promoted sterotypes against blondes, nurses, and single females overall.

Sorry guys, that's my rap of it. :(
Thirst by Orlando Lucian

Two Star Review
Review by  Selena Bhrams

I truly, truly wanted to like this book. The story could have been truly compelling, nevertheless, it had issues. I thought the inscription sweet, however I just had issues with the writing style, the technical issues like spacing, errors, typos, and sentence conjugation and such.

Cycles of Change by Alexandria Infante

Five Star Review
Review by Many Pierce 

Okay, so it seems like forever since Lee would let me do a review on Alexandria, so I've been mopping about. Finally! Lol, I get the chance.

So guys, this book was the shiznet!

I so love this woman's writing, and I'm sure you guys can tell that.
Anyway, we have Arieanna in her normal chaos, however, Dagda, and Seph are thrown in the mix this time.
Sephoroth, the ass that he is, tricks Arieanna, enthralls her, and the chaos just ensues after that. So, in walks Keltic, and yes I spelled it with a K, because the original Druid sect was spelled with a K, as we learned in book 4 in the series. Dagda/Jeff, which is his name on this plane, falls for Arie after he takes her to the hospital. 
Where's Auron in all this?
He's still acting like a tool, from book 8, they have a fight club scene, and I am telling you I loved it!

I don't want to spoil the entire thing for you, so I say, go out and get your copy today, you seriously won't be disappointed!!!! 
This author goes Hard! Lol
The Guardian by Maura McKeely

Review Rating Withheld
Reviewed by Leelia Mendoza

This book started off very interesting, however, it seemed as if the story rushed through the characters. I didn't feel like I got to fully know, or understand them. I also feel like the sexual parts were a bit rushed, in that the characters are at odds with each other.  On one page the Guardian Nick is repulsed by Grace, which is fine if you want that for the main characters, yet the next page has them attracted to each other, which seemed to just come out of nowhere. And by the time the reader gets to the end of that same page, the couple are in a sexual situation, which seemed far fetched, if the main character was repulsed by the h in the first place. I just feel like, this could have been a very awesome read, however the author has some issues with the story that need to be adjusted; which is why we here at RR decided to hold off on the actual star review, because, we feel like the author should be given a chance to fix her faux. :)

Taken by Moonlight by Violette Dubrinsky

Three Star review
Review by Mandy Pierce

I enjoyed this book. The way the author drew me into her world, the characters fresh, so you couldn't help root for them.  

  However, I do have a problem with the characters. I was confused as to why the author, would make the secondary characters more interesting than the main characters Vivien and Cornall. I found them more engaging, actually liked them, and wondered how this happened. I Liked the pace of the book, and the plot was very decent.The pace never slowed, nevertheless, at one point it was difficult to know who the true good guys truly were. It kept me guessing which is good, made it less predictable, and overall it's a good start to what I hope will become a series. There were several story lines left open, so we'll just have to see. :)
Carousel by Alexandria Infante

Four Star Review

Reviewed by Katriva Davies

I truly loved this book. Most of you fans know I don't read Paranormal, however I was nominated this mouth to be the Paranormal eyes and ears so to speak for the month, so here goes.

I enjoyed this book, and I'm not just saying it, because it falls in line with what the rest of the reviewers on RR say. This book had action, love twists, drama out the wazoo, and the over-all feel of the book just draws you in.

Arieanna, is once again thrown into some shite, and has to use her brains, and wits to come out of it safely. She does it in normal Arieanna style, and the fact that she now has one of the progenitors from the vampire species on her, as my mom used to say, "Like white on Rice," she has to truly decide what she and Auron truly have.

Awesome book guys, and I'm telling you when you buy it, you won't be sorry :)

Midnight & Mayhem by Vevea Lane

Two Star Review

Review by  Selena Brhams

I really wanted to enjoy this book, however it struck me as a little odd. In the spirit of RR, we hold the right not to review a book, if we have a difficult time liking it, because we are not in the business of trashing authors. So here ends the review.

Thanks Guys :)

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